A Lenten Penitential Service at Ss Peter & Paul on
Wednesday 28th March at 7.15pm

Our Lenten Penitential Services will be held at Ss Peter & Paul during Holy Week for adults across the Deanery with at least 4 priests available for private Confession & Reconciliation.
Also there will be a simple service for young people on Wednesday 28th March at 4pm private Confessions available too.
If you can't make it on that evening then don't forget that Confessions will also be available in all the parishes of Bath. Father Bill OSM is always available after weekday and Saturday morning Holy Mass or at a mutually convenient time.
This is an important Easter duty. If you need a bit of a reminder about what Confession and Reconciliation is all about then see here.
At a penitential service at St Peter's in Rome, Pope Francis walked away from where he was being led and went straight to the nearest confessional to confess his sins to a priest....
Also there will be a simple service for young people on Wednesday 28th March at 4pm private Confessions available too.
If you can't make it on that evening then don't forget that Confessions will also be available in all the parishes of Bath. Father Bill OSM is always available after weekday and Saturday morning Holy Mass or at a mutually convenient time.
This is an important Easter duty. If you need a bit of a reminder about what Confession and Reconciliation is all about then see here.
At a penitential service at St Peter's in Rome, Pope Francis walked away from where he was being led and went straight to the nearest confessional to confess his sins to a priest....