Here are some useful Links that may be helpful.....

Let us know if you have seen other websites or articles that you think might be worth publishing here...
Help for your faith lifeWhy Catholics make the sign of the cross - Ever wondered why? This short document will reveal all....
Receiving Holy Communion - A good instruction for preparing for and receiving Holy Communion. Confession Guide Leaflet - Here's a great guide for Confession with an examination of conscience. Print it out and take it with you. Catholic Controversies Video Library is a wonderful FREE resource for Catholic catechetics and apologetics. This new website provides the best available video presentations addressing many of the more controversial Church teachings and historical events. A fantastic resource for anyone wishing to know more about their faith. |
Help for your prayer lifePray-as-you-go A Jesuit site dedicated to prayer through scirpture and music for your MP3 player.
The Holy Rosary Website The ultimate Rosary website for beginners and old hands of the rosary too. Great novenas too. Look out for the Novena to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots - A favourite of Pope Francis. Sacred Space is another great Jesuit prayer site. Gives you daily readings and short meditations and helps you with Lectio Divina with easy steps and helps you get into a rhythm of daily prayer. Catholic Liturgy in EnglandThe Catholic Church in England & Wales website is a wealth of information about most things Catholic - liturgy, news, Diocese info, Bishop, Vatican news etc etc.
Catholic News & Media sitesEWTN The Eternal World Television Network in Great Britain. Catholic TV and Radio through and through. Free live streaming of TV and radio, but for a one-off payment you can view EWTN on TV forever. Click here!
The Catholic News Agency has all you need to know about what's going on in the Catholic news. The official Vatican website with all Pope Francis' homilies and prayers. |
ProlifeSPUC - The Society for the protection of Unborn Children is an organisation who represents a voice for the unborn. SPUC promotes awareness of the humanity of the unborn child to encourage more widespread recognition of the obligation to defend those with no means to defend themselves.
Life - This is a fantastic charity which exists to save lives and transform the futures of some of the most disadvantaged children and young people in the UK by supporting vulnerable pregnant mothers and young families through difficult times, offering them the help they need to turn their lives around. |
Good to know..ESBVM is worth knowing about if you are a lover of Our Lady. The Society exists to advance the study at various levels of the place of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Church. Its aim is to show that in the Blessed Virgin Mary Christians of many traditions may find a focus in their search for unity.
Catholic Singles is an organisation which helps single adult Catholics of all ages meet, either one to one or through social events. It's another way to meet people who share the Faith and want to meet other like-minded people. For even Younger Catholics..
Young Catholics look here..Busted Halo - A massive site with lots of stuff. The 'Googling God' section has lots of good catechesis material. Lots of fun as well as being packed full of useful info. is a site run by young Catholics who help to answer big life questions, like "How do I know the Bible is true?" or "What's sex all about?" or "Where do we go when we die?" in a whacky way. Worth looking at. is for Catholic students in Bath and is the Bath Catholic Chaplaincy website. It tells you about things going on at both University Campuses in Bath and what's happening further afield too. |